Sunday, July 15, 2012


Do you people know how blessed we are? I mean reeeeaaaalllyyyy know how blessed we are??? Do you? For the simplest things. A house to live in. Not just a mud hut either. A real house. Good food to eat. Not just gruel either. Yummy fruits and meats and vegetables. A education. It may not seem fun now, but many people don't even get that opportunity! Clothes to wear. And not just a cloth sack, cute clothes. Warm clothes. Clothes just for fun! We have so much!!!!! Even in our hardest times we have to remember what we HAVE been blessed with! I'm going to be honest with you guys. I have been dealing with feelings of rejection and loneliness lately. And I am having to work hard to remember how blessed I am to have people who love and care for me! I have so many friends who have shown me so much love all the time! But these feelings are what I have had to deal with! And it gets better all the time! Praise the Lord for all He has given us! We are truly blessed!